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So What Music Festival 2023

So What Music Festival 2023
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Dallas - The So What Music Festival has once again taken summer by storm as thousands gathered in the Texas heat to see what promised to be a show to remember.

On four separate stages a number of acts entertained the masses from the afternoon into the warm summer evening. A number of music fans packed the Fair park during the peak hours of the day as temperatures reached more than 100 degrees.

Did the summer heat detour the avid music fans from enjoying themselves or seeing their favorite acts? Not in the least.

Cloe tells us, "Day one was rough. I was sunburned just waiting to get into the festival." Luckily, that did not stop her from enjoying the show.

"I learned though for day two. I stopped at Walmart on the way and got a misting fan and wore a bandana soaked in water on my neck to help cool myself down."

So What Music Festival 2023
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One mother and daughter we spoke with made the pilgrimage from Florida just to attend the festival. "We had a blast despite the heat and high cost, 10/10would do again" Savana G. told us.

It was in face a special festival for the mother and daughter as they told us "It was my daughters 16th birthday and she's never been to any kind of show so I knew a festival would blow her mind and make a very memorable 16th."

It would seem that the birthday gift was indeed a hit as Savana went on to tell us "I saw her laugh and smile more that weekend than I had in the combined previous two months. It was truly special indeed and she wants to go to more festivals now."

Among the headline acts for the weekend festival were Sleeping with Sirens, The Used, Pierce the Veil, and Neck Deep. However, there were so many acts throughout the event that many people in attendance found new artists to add to their playlists.

One act that this journalist can say was a breath of fresh air for them was We the Kings. The group released their first album in 2007 and had a great following at the show.

It was this publications first listen/viewing of the group and they delivered on every level. Their set started with a small technical issue regarding the microphones on stage, but was fixed by the end of the first song.

Even with the technical issue the band performed without hesitation and the mishap didn't

So What Music Festival 2023
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set them back in the least. The audience ate the performance up from start to finish and the group reciprocated in kind as they announced that they would be meeting fans and signing merch at the tables after their set.

Though there was easily over one hundred fans waiting to meet the group, they assured everyone, no matter how long the line gets every fan will be seen. True to their word the guys from the band stuck around well into the next bands set making sure their fans were taking care of.

Chloe told us, "I'm definitely most excited for headliners The Used, Pierce the Veil and Sleeping With Sirens and Neck Deep, but I'm also stoked to see my hometown band We the Kings play such a large festival."

In addition we were able to get our hands on a shirt that the band was more than happy to sign for us, so we can give it away to a fan via our instagram. For more info on that make sure to follow us on social media.

So What Music Festival 2023
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Day two of the event offered little relief in terms of heat as the temperature reached 102 for the day. However, many of the guests were more prepared than the day before.

The staff of So What Music Festival were readily prepared as there was plenty of water and ice on hand for all guests. Most bars were perfectly willing to give out cups of ice to patrons during the hottest part of the afternoon which was greatly appreciated.

In regards to the outdoor stages the security staff was on high alert for everyones safety. It was not unusual at all to see the staff at the front of the stage handing out water, ice, and spraying an enthused crowd with water throughout the day.

Inside the festival grounds the Hot Topic and Monster stages could be found indoors. On those stages we were treated to performances by both Bad Neighbors and KXLLSWXTCH both of whom were on their game for the event.

Bad Neighbors set the tone for their performance with furious vocals and a shredding

guitar. The audience was very engaged with the group and the duo known as Rage and Khaos went as far as to go into the audience in order to make their presence known.

The group performed at peak capacity and they are definitely a group to be on the lookout for. The group has shades of trap with Alt Rock and Metal influence which creates a unique sound and energy to their sound.

So What Music Festival 2023
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KXLLSWXTCH was equally engaging as he not only energized the crowd with his songs but interacted with them as old/new friends. Going so far as to sing happy birthday to one audience member and give his shirt to another it was clear that the performer feeds off of his audience just as they feed off of him.

Other notable acts at the festival were Scary Kids Scaring Kids and Forever the Sickest Kids who both performed on the first night of the festival along with Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Many fans endured the long days in the sun to not only see their favorite acts, but also to see bands they had not known about before.

According to Chloe this was the best part of the festival for her. "The highlight of the event was actually not the headlining bands for me but was actually finding new artists that I'd never listed to before from local bands like Chancla Fight Club to bigger artists like Girlfriends and Free Throw."

Pierce the Veil and The Used followed Forever the Sickest Kids on the Jack Daniels stage during the conclusion of night 1. "Both the girls and I were looking forward most to seeing Pierce the Veil" Savana G. told us.

So What Music Festival 2023
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The band that really stole the show for this publication was Neck Deep as the group took the Jack Daniels stage closing out the festival. The group performed a number of their songs including Lowlife which has been a favorite of many people.

More than just performing music, the group spoke to the crowd not just in regards to the heat, but in regards to the state of society and taking care of people. The groups energy matched not only the crowds but the cooling temperature of the Texas evening.

In a nutshell, So What Music Festival had so much to offer that it would be impossible to capture it all. However, there was something for everyone.

Yes it was hot, and yes it was worth the wait. All of the bands were at the top of their game and all of the fans we spoke to were happy to have made the journey.

From locals to visitors from other states there was not a bad vibe around us. Teenagers, adults, and even children enjoyed what the festival had to offer.

Would we recommend making the trip next year, absolutely. Keep checking in for the next one as they are sure to deliver some great musical acts. If you like festivals, live music, or are just looking to discover some new groups, So What Music Festival is a must for all.

Follow us on instagram @12thFretMedia for your chance to win this signed shirt from We the Kings. Winner announced on July 10th.

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